Minimally-Invasive Brow Support
With EnigmaLift
As we age, our eyebrows have a tendency to droop and sag, due to lax skin, gravity, and weakened muscles. This lowering of the eyebrows can lead to an aged and cranky look, and can even cause fatigue and headaches from constantly requiring that you engage your forehead muscles to keep your eyebrows lifted.
Both cosmetic and functional issues can motivate an individual to look for info about a brow lift in Spokane, which is why we offer the proprietary Enigma Lift procedure at Clinic 5C. Our cutting-edge brow lift procedure elevates your eyebrows while rejuvenating the upper portions of your face, for a fresh and youthful appearance that’ll have you looking as wonderful as you feel.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift in Spokane?
Most frequently, we see those frustrating signs of sagging skin start to show up in individuals around 40 to 60 years in age, but we see patients of all ages for this particular procedure, especially given how minimally invasive it is.
We’ll work closely with you to determine exactly which procedure will best bring you in line with your ideal goals. This may be the best for you if you’ve been dealing with:
- Low brow
- Heavy brow
- Lines above the nose
- Impaired vision
- Eyebrows close to eyelids
- Wrinkles on forehead
- Angry, cranky appearance
Combine Your Procedure for Optimal Results
When it comes to our cosmetic surgical work, we take things a step beyond your typical procedural-based approach. Instead, we tend to employ a more holistic philosophy, when it comes to our patients, developing treatment plans tailored specifically to their aesthetic and functional goals, as opposed to any one particular procedure.
With this approach in mind, it’s not uncommon for us to combine procedures, in the aim of achieving the best possible results. The brow lift, for example, is often performed in conjunction with an Enigmalift to the upper eyelids. During your procedure, Dr. Chesnut will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan based on your specific goals.
What to Expect from Your Brow Lift
At Clinic 5C in Spokane, our brow lift can be performed with local anesthesia, but sedation can certainly be added if desired. The procedure duration will depend on a number of details and specifics, so your surgeon will be sure to talk over the details of your procedure with you on the day. You’ll be given detailed instructions to help you prepare, as well as information to walk you through the aftercare process, as well.
Enjoy the Next Level of Recovery
Our commitment to innovation doesn’t stop at our surgical procedures. At Clinic 5C, we’ve dedicated ourselves to developing highly advanced recovery and regeneration procedures, which can not only help to greatly speed up the recovery process, but can greatly reduce pain and discomfort along the way, as well.
From next-level regenerative medicine, to recovery-maximizing nutrition plans, our staff works closely with each of our patients, to make sure their recovery process is as quick and comfortable as possible. We’ll work together to develop a recovery plan that gets you back on your feet in no time at all, so you can love the way you look and feel as you live your day to day life once more.
If you’ve been feeling frustrated by a drooping, sagging brow, then reach out to Clinic5c today for arguably one of the best procedures of the Enigmalift Spokane has to offer. This minimally-invasive procedure can refresh and rejuvenate your face like never before, and all without any extensive downtime or recovery period! Reach out and set up your in-person consultation with a highly-experienced member of our staff today.