- Hair Restoration
Beard transplant utilizing precise follicular unit extraction (FUE) for this dapper young man in his early 20s who lives a rugged, active lifestyle and wanted the facial hair to match those vibes.
Thanks to the extensive regenerative medicine based #ÔPTIMizedRecoveryProtocol I created to accompany my FUE practice, at just 6 months out from his procedure here, he looks like he is easily a year into recovery, and he will continue to improve!
Normally with a FUE, the hair unit that is transplanted gets “shocked” in the transplant process, and although the stem cells in the hair bulb survive to eventually grow hair, they end up shedding the hair shaft that is currently in the bulb. That means there are several months where it looks like nothing happened while the hair bulb recovers and prepares to grow a new hair. When that new hair first starts growing, it is thin, small, and takes many, many months to fill in to full density.
It usually takes 12 to 18 months to see the full results from a treatment like this, and my extensive regenerative medicine protocol that accompanies our FUE usually gives us about a 6 month head start to filling in density, and more importantly it yields better results in the long run.